Joe Exotic, the infamous Tiger King, continues to make headlines from behind bars with his unexpected infatuation. Recently, the eccentric personality expressed his admiration for Machine Gun Kelly’s latest blackout tattoo, unveiling a side that goes beyond his legal battles. In a bizarre turn of events, Exotic openly thirsted over MGK, suggesting, “A tiger and a bit of meth, and you would be mine. Lol.”
This peculiar proclamation comes amidst Exotic’s attempts to garner attention and support for his case, utilizing his daily 30 minutes of social media access. While his tactics may be unconventional, they certainly keep the internet buzzing. Exotic, known for his shameless antics, took to Instagram to repost MGK’s tattoo, emphasizing his fantasy by stating, “A tiger and a little bit of meth, I can make MGK gay.”
The Tiger King’s unexpected interest in the renowned rapper sparks questions about the lengths one would go to seek companionship, even from behind prison bars. As the saga unfolds, it remains to be seen whether Exotic’s unusual strategy will bear any fruit or if it’s just another episode in his eccentric life.