What is your name/stage name?
Kay Hazzy
Where are you from?
Rocky Mount, North Carolina
What do you do?
I am a full-time artist.
How long have you been making music?
I’ve been making music for 9 years.
Who’s your biggest inspiration?
I’d have to say Chief Keef no doubt.
What genre of music do you create?
Rock Hop
What was it like working with (collabs?)
I have never collabed with any artists in the industry,
but I’m looking forward to it and open to any!
What are some features you have?
I currently don’t have any features but I’m expanding
my network as we speak.
Who’s one person, dead or alive, that you’d want to work with?
Chief Keef of course.
Are you signed to a label?
Not yet, but hoping to be apart of
Swaggertown Records/Yer Label someday.
Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none?
Who are your biggest supporters?
My Family, always.
Where did your name come from?
Khaliq Hunter is my real name so I came
up with Kay Hazzy.
What are you currently working on?
Making music, music, and more music.
What is your latest release?
Kay Hazzy ~ Kay Hazzy
When is your next release?
Fall 2022 – Lookout for it!
Instagram / Twitter:
@KayHazzy on Instagram
@ohkayhazzy on Twitter