What is your name?
“Gerald Walker Jr.”
Would you rather have?
“50k in cash or a perfect credit score, and why? I would rather have a perfect credit score because with that I can get anything I want.”
Who is your favorite producer?
“My favorite producer is WoodPecker.”
Are you a touring artist or a recording artist?
“I’m a touring artist and recording artist but right now I’m just a recording artist.”
Have you ever thought about quitting music?
“I have never thought of quitting music.”
Favorite Era of music?
“My favorite era of music is the new era of music Lil baby, Toosii, Roddy Ricch etc.”
Do you plan on traveling?
“Yes, I plan on traveling/touring the world.”
Are you an independent artist or are you signed or under any management?
“I’m a independent artist I’m not signed to no one.”
What was your most memorable concert, did you perform at it?
“I never been to a concert.”
What was your biggest challenge that you had to overcome during your music career, so far?
“My biggest challenge was I had to tell myself I can’t let hate hold me back from accomplishing my dreams.”