XSavotage ; Long Beach, California.
Q.) What is your name/stage name?
A.) “XSavotage”
Q.) Where are you located?
A.) “Long Beach, California.“
Q.) What is the meaning behind your name?
A.) “X for the variable – Sav for savage – sabotage —.“
Q.) What are your roles within the music industry?
A.) “I’m a singer songwriter, rapper, organizer, event host, videographer, photographer, and whatever else I can learn.“
Q.) What got you into music?
A.) “Raised around Hip-Hop, my family had me freestyling as a child and it stuck with me.“
Q.) What type of music do you make?
A.) “Alternative Hip-Hop, Lofi at times.“
Q.) How long have you been making music?
A.) “Professionally for 4 years.“
Q.) What are you making music for?
A.) “To get though my struggles and help people through theirs, and eventually I would like to make this my full-time job.“
Q.) What’s driving you?
A.) “Seeing the victories, seeing the work finally coming together, seeing my improved mental health, my support network, my fans, my team all growing.“
Q.) Who are your biggest supporters?
A.) “My friends really, I would feel bad naming names because I know I’d miss someone.“
Q.) Are you signed to a label?
A.) “Nope, just running under my own label for tax reasons.“
Q.) Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none?
A.) “If the deal was right, of course.“
Q.) Who are some features that you have?
A.) “Tenelle, Dayvid Thomas, Kingg Smith.“
Q.) What was it like working with different collabs?
A.) “Everyone I’ve worked with have been professionals, truly always amazing hoppin in the stu with any of them.“
Q.) Who are some features you want to get?
A.) “idkjeffery, Atmosphere, Tyler the Creator... most the other features I want have passed already.“
Q.) Who’s one person dead or alive that you’d want to work with?
A.) “Biggie Smalls.”
Q.) is there anybody else you want to shout out for any reason?
A.) “Shout out – Doc and KC for helping me mold my music to what it is today. “
Q.) What are you currently working on?
A.) “Album dropping next year, singles coming Jan 1, show with idkjeffery Dec 16, running an open mic in LB every first Saturday, staying in shape, keeping good mental health, having a good time, enjoying the journey, keeping a budget, oh and a full-time job.“
Q.) What is your latest release?
A.) “‘Don’t Love Me’, came out Valentine’s Day!!!“
Q.) When is your next release?
A.) “’Baby!’ Coming out January 1st.“