Winter Blanco, a rising star in the realm of music, recently spoke out against R&B sensation Trey Songz, accusing him of a disturbing incident that transpired in 2018. The revelation, made on a recent episode of Behind The Likes, has sparked significant conversation and drawn attention to the issue of abuse in the music industry.
In her candid discussion with co-host Chy Fontenette, Winter recounted the harrowing experience she endured at the hands of Trey Songz. Despite the fear and trauma she endured, Winter had chosen to remain silent for years, fearing the repercussions on her burgeoning career.
“He put his hands on me and I never talked about it,” she disclosed, breaking her silence on the matter. Winter’s decision to speak out highlights the courage it takes to confront abuse, especially within an industry that often prioritizes reputation over justice.
Winter further elaborated on her decision to withhold her story, citing the pressure to maintain her music career and the fear of being ostracized within the industry. However, as more allegations surfaced against Trey Songz, Winter reached a tipping point, compelled to no longer let abusers evade accountability.
“At the time there were girls settling for like $100,000, $200,000, and I never did it… I’m tired of letting abusers get away with so much sh*t,” Winter expressed, echoing the sentiments of many survivors who have chosen to speak out against their abusers.
Winter’s bravery in coming forward sheds light on the pervasive issue of abuse within the music industry and serves as a rallying cry for change. Her story underscores the importance of supporting survivors and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.
As the conversation surrounding Winter Blanco’s allegations against Trey Songz continues to unfold, it is imperative to listen to and uplift the voices of survivors, working towards a future where such incidents are no longer swept under the rug.