What is your name?
Thomas Feliciano-Hernandez aka Chico (787Beatz)
Would you rather have?
50k in cash or a perfect credit score, and why?
I would’ve normally said Perfect Credit Score. But since I’ve built up my credit score already, I would take the 50K but it also depends on certain aspects.
Who is your favorite producer?
I have a couple: Southside808, TM88, Tay Keith, Metro Boomin, Lex Luger, Hit Boy etc.
Are you a touring artist or a recording artist?
A beatmaker who creates from his own lab.
Have you ever thought about quitting music?
Does it get stressful? At times. Do I think about quitting? Never crossed my mind.
Favorite Era of music?
My favorite era of music would be in the 90s for their Lyricism/instrumentals, but I also like the trap/drill sounds of the current era.
Do you plan on traveling?
I do plan on traveling, but only for the right purpose.
Are you an independent artist or are you signed or under any management?
What was your most memorable concert, did you perform at it?
I have yet to perform.
What was your biggest challenge that you had to overcome during your music career, so far?
I always say at the very beginning it’s very challenging because you don’t know how to navigate in this music business. If you don’t know what you’re doing in the business side of things then you’ll definitely have a hard time navigating through it with your sound.
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Website- https://787beatz.com