What is your name/stage name?
Sam Pitt the lead singer of Mates
Where are you from?
What do you do?
I am the lead singer of the Mates,
I make music, and I write songs.
How long have you been making music?
I have been making music, let’s say since I was little.
I had eight years already sang at weddings, do it with
the expiration of singing Rock Classic Rock Classic
Rock can be classic but what kind Vito if he is not
a warmer justifies as a baby with my colleague that
it is better that he was young and I followed the
singing teacher, as he also did the lessons and
then we met.
Who’s your biggest inspiration?
My inspiration. It is the universe the galaxy and the nature
Animals and in any case my explanations and the music but with
these things with the universe and nature and it inspires me a
lot you can like me how you inspired me it could be an artist
or it could be Plato speaking great philosopher of astronomy
and this more or less. Let’s say based on the kind of genre
I make of music, of course it’s Post Rock.
What genre of music do you create?
Our kind of music and Post-Rock Experimental Music.
What was it like working with (collabs?)
Collaboration in the sense that it was very good to collaborate.
In short, collaborating also helps you have relationships in
general, but I still have to collaborate.
What are some features you have?
But it is my artistic and personal characteristics I am a person
who never gives up that you are busy that I have listened to the
advice and that I eat a lot and that I am determined when it
takes and I put love and passion into everything I have
inside of me for the music.
What are some features you want to get?
But how does it function? In the sense that we are finishing the
album and therefore we are looking for a label manager who can
give us a boost but if I have the contract to start this career,
surely there is to run the music In the radio stations In the
digital etc. all these things here and make our music which
is important. and do Festival Concerts thank you very much.
Are you signed to a label?
Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none?
Who are your biggest supporters?
Whether biggest supporters are the general public around the world
and here in Switzerland that Americans across the world public in
the company, but also my mom my parents. In short, it hasn’t moved, it’s really the band that I am with them making
Where did your name come from?
My name is Sam Pitt the name of the band Mates which was born
among friends.
What are you currently working on?
Mates are working on the music album which will be out very soon.
What is your latest release?
our latest release is the Demo Here is the Link.
When is your next release?
My next release very soon The Post Rock Music Album.
Instagram: sammatespitt15
Facebook: Sam Pitt
Youtube: Sam Pitt
Twitter: SamPitt15
Vk: Sammy Pitt
Tik Tok: https://vm.tiktok.com/Jj6huBh/
SnapChat: sam_pitt2021
Pinterest: sampitt77777