President Joe Biden reached his 100 Days in the Presidency on April 29th. That’s the day that the world established which ones of his goals he was able to achieve and which ones he wasn’t.
Renowned business man Marcus Bell “Bellringer”, explains how 100 Days is the time a person needs to achieve certain goals in life.
As Biden told reporters last month explaining his approach to governing “It’s a matter of timing.” “As you’ve all observed, successful Presidents — better than me — have been successful, in large part, because they know how to time what they’re doing — order it, decide and prioritize what needs to be done.”
In December, Biden set a goal that 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses would be administered in his first 100 days in office. He worked for it every day and achieved his goal.
On Jan 20th, the same day Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States Bellringer took the theory of the 100 Days period and created a Challenge to help people achieve their goals in life. He created the “100 Dayz Challenge” in his “Wealth and Impact Boot Camp”.
The people enrolled in this challenge have to set up a goal and achieve it during 100 days. They have to do something every day that will help them get where they want to be in their life or career. Every day they have to share with the rest of the community what they did. This way they feel they really have to stick to it. They’ll also have to create a consequence for themselves, something they’d hate doing. If they miss one day of the challenge, they’ll have to apply that consequence.
On Thursday April 29th, the same day Biden reached his 100 Days in the presidency, the first “100 Dayz Challenge” ended and Bellringer prepared a beautiful emotional closing award ceremony to recognize all the members of the challenge their efforts and success. But this is not the end of it! The challenge continues through the whole year and anyone can join anytime in the following link
And there’s more! Now a small group of people will have the opportunity to participate every Monday on exclusive Zoom calls in the ‘Inner circle’ with different celebrities in diverse fields. Bell has invited guests such as Multi-platinum singer-songwriter Gala, best known for her hit song “Freed From Desire” or Olympian athlete James Howell, among others.
Stay tuned and make the change you need in your life!