KMG Kokish is a rising star in the Atlanta music scene, known for his unique style and dedication to his craft. In a recent interview, KMG shared some of the milestones and turning points in his career that have helped him achieve success in the industry.
One of the turning points in KMG’s career was when he saw money coming in from his songs. This validation helped him stay motivated and inspired as an artist. KMG has also shared personal experiences through his music, including songs dedicated to his wife.
KMG’s latest single, “Lock’N,” was inspired by his experiences and the desire to tell his story. He hopes listeners take away the message that everyone has a unique story to tell, and to keep knocking until you get an answer.
KMG’s long-term goal is to become a household name, and his collaborations and dedication to his craft have helped him maintain authenticity and individuality in his music. KMG’s success is a testament to his independent hustle and determination to make a name for himself in the music industry.
Follow him on Instagram – @kmg_