In an unexpected turn of events, Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign found themselves in the midst of a peculiar controversy surrounding their Apple Music artist bio. The duo, known under the moniker ¥$, faced a surprising hack that left fans scratching their heads. The artist page, meant to showcase their musical journey, instead featured a quirky and likely fake Q&A segment, including unexpected references to music critic Anthony Fantano of The Needle Drop.
The bio delves into the duo’s musical memories, claiming their first experience as a group was listening to their second single ‘Cool beat 1’ while working on the critically acclaimed track ‘Back to Me.’ However, the most eyebrow-raising moment comes when the bio attributes a quote to Anthony Fantano, praising their song ‘CARNIVAL’ as “absolutely amazing” and a “shining light” in their respective catalogues. A statement that, as it turns out, was never uttered by the popular music reviewer.
This digital mischief has sparked a wave of reactions from fans and the online community. Whether the hack was a sly fan’s attempt at humor or a deliberate move by the artists themselves to inject some levity into the serious realm of music criticism remains uncertain. Nevertheless, it adds a unique chapter to the ongoing saga of Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign’s album release on Apple Music.