What is your name?
Joshua Dugger
Would you rather have?
50k in cash or a perfect credit score, and why?
50k in cash, Why? With 50k I could make all the moves I never could . Plus with 50k I could get my credit score up to where I like it
Who is your favorite producer?
Are you a touring artist or a recording artist?
A recording artist
Have you ever thought about quitting music?
I can’t quit I have a passion for music. I know where it can take me and my family too .
Favorite Era of music?
For Hip-Hip 1990s to early 2000s
Do you plan on traveling?
Eventually yeah. I’m from the hood I wanna see the world .
Are you an independent artist or are you signed or under any management?
What was your most memorable concert, did you perform at it?
I really didn’t do concerts
What was your biggest challenge that you had to overcome during your music career, so far?
Getting good support
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