What made you get into acting and modeling?
It has always been a passion of mine. Bringing a character to life through your own creativity and emotion is a priceless feeling; especially when those feelings are imparted to others and they provoke thought or inspire.
Who inspires you the most?
One of my biggest inspirations is Nikola Tesla. He was a true genius and did what people thought to be “impossible”. I could go on for days about him. I would suggest researching him you you haven’t.
What is your favorite film?
The movie “Inside Man” starring Denzel Washington. I don’t want to run the movie for those who haven’t seen it, but I love the premise of telling someone exactly what you are going to do; them trying to stop you, and still executing the plan to perfection.
How do you get along with other actors on set? I would like to preface this by saying. “A great leader is first a great follower”. I would consider myself a natural-born leader personifying the qualities of confidence and charisma. Projecting a positive authority can really rally a team around a common goal. My determination and drive allows me to work seamlessly with anyone and any background. In the same breath I am very laid back and know never to take things personally in this business.
What do your hometown friends think of you being on TV?
The closest ones to me are happy for me. I really pride myself on staying focused on my goals so the people I am in contact with from my hometown is very limited. When I do get contacted, it always feels good to have someone show support. I always respond.
How does it feel to have your face public to the masses?
I honestly love it. The more the merrier! One of my major goals for my team and I, is for me to become a household name. I want people to know I am not materialistic at all. I am doing this to change the lives of the people around me and extend that reach as far as possible. I believe if people had the right opportunity a lot can change. “Hurt people, hurt people”. I want to heal as many as possible I’m more ways than just physically.
What is your biggest achievement?
My biggest achievement would be the day I quit my 9-5. That was the key to me being able to follow my dreams of acting and modeling. I am also a licensed real estate agent and Notary. I understood that I needed to do what I had to do to get where I wanted to be.
Where do you see yourself in 1 year?
I am completing tasks daily to ensure my goals will be complete in a timely manner. For a fact, a year from now: I will have gained 15 pounds of muscle, star in my own show or movie, I will have modeled for a major designer clothing company, be verified on all social media, have a 7 figure bank account, and giving back as much as possible.
Turhan Slayton made his first acting debut in early 2020 and has skyrocketed since! He’s appeared in 24 productions in the year of 2020-2021 casting in movies, short films, television, commercials, music videos, web series, and more! Turhan’s recent major network features consist of Netflix, VH1, and Nokia just to name a few. If you’re a fan of the show Infamy on VH1, you will discover him in episodes 102 and 103 playing 4 different characters between both episodes releasing later this year!
Follow Turhan Slayton: https://www.instagram.com/turhanslayton/