1. What is your name/stage name?
I was born Kenneth Jerome Johnson, I go by Munir Vibes
2. When is your birthday?
March 8.
3. Where are you from?
I grew up in Mays Landing, NJ. I now live in Ventnor City, NJ.
4. What do you do?
I create hip hop music. I am also an executive for Vibes Up Entertainment and own a business consulting company known as Creative Vibes, LLC.
5. How long have you been making music?
I have been making music for over 15 years.
6. What was your first song/project?
I released a mixtape in 2011 with the late DJ Whiteowl under the name King Kenn. It’s still on Datpiff.
7. Who’s your inspiration?
The L.O.X., Super Cat, Busta Rhymes
8. What genre of music do you create?
I write and produce Hip Hop, and some R&B and Reggae.
9. Do you come up with your video concepts?
Yes. That’s about it though. Anything passed the concepts, I leave it in the hands of who I’m working with. I would like to get into directing soon though!
10. What was it like working with Mo Gaddi?
It’s always a great experience. He works fast and efficiently, without compromising integrity or quality. I appreciate focus and dedication, that’s what Mo Gaddi brings to the table.