What are you currently working on?
My project New Pack I’m planning to drop around Spring 2022. I’m particular so I want to make sure everything is where I want it sonically and creatively, but I’m sitting with a large part of the project recorded probably 70-80% rough.
What is your latest release?
I just rereleased my first track I recorded, Rab Flow with a couple of songs I recorded for the project just to test the waters S-Rank, Orders, and a couple more. They out on all streaming platforms right now.
When is your next release?
Like I said Spring 2022, but Ill definitely put out another song or two before then. I got a couple follow up ideas on standby too.
Are you the type to pull up alone or with a group of people?
That all depends on the scenario and if I’m pullin up with a group its people I know watching my back as hard as I’m watching theirs if not more. But I’m not the type to move with an entourage of just people everywhere I go just to be seen that’s mad weird to me.
What is one stage you want to sell-out?
The O2 Arena I think that would be the point when I can be like yeah I’m him forreal. Some of the biggest names killed that arena so that’d be a trophy for me.
Where is one place you want to travel to perform?
Italy or France, really Europe in general. It’s a lot of places I’d be honored to visit. Japan, I want to go to Japan honestly in the next year if it’s in the cards.
What’s the biggest crowd that you have performed for?
I haven’t done any shows yet, especially since we still in a Pandemic and knowing what’s going on and how its turning up I don’t think this really the time for that, but I got plans after my project is out to go on tour.
Who’s someone you can see yourself on tour with?
Real talk Rico Nasty. I rock with her vibe and flow. If we did something together it’d be lit forreal.
Who produces your music?
My go to producer is Spratta Beats. Kid is dope and next up for sure. His sauce and my sauce be on some dynamic duo wave forreal. Dude really a big part of my sound. Fuck with Spratta man.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
As an established artist that’s carved out his own lane. I got plans to excel beyond music though. I engage in other forms of art, so I really want to build alongside all that as I progress my career.
What’s your favorite clothing brand?
I like BAPE, True Religion, Evisu. No cap Levi jeans really be more comfortable than Amiri’s for me, I’m a big dude.
Where do you shop?
I don’t really have a specific place to shop. It’s really wherever I find things. I been doing a lot of online shopping for a minute.
What’s your favorite type of car?
Fast cars, sleek cars, anything black or red. I want the new Acura NSX , but my next ride gonna be modest.
What’s your favorite place to travel to?
Honestly just being in the studio that’s a vacation at any givin time to me. I just like to chill and reflet step back from life and worrying about things clear my head, but before the pandemic I liked just goin to Jersey on some lowkey shit.
Did COVID change your career for better or worse?
Better. It made me shift my mind off bullshit and nonsense and really start honing my craft. Im at the point now where all I want to do is record and work on my art.
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Apple Artist Page
Rab Flow on Spotify
Email: rabjaerx@gmail.com