Follow: @dramaraps
How serious are you about your career?
Extremely, I’m completely dedicated to this. Music is pretty much my whole life. I try to do shows as often and as all over as possible. I want to share my art with the world.
Have you ever thought about quitting music?
Once or twice early on but that was a short lived event. I’ve been grinding on this for years now without any thought whether or not it’s the right thing to do.
Who inspires you the most?
People around me. I’ve made a habit of surrounding myself with like minded people with common goals and interests. Most of my friends are really talented artists, musicians, designers etc. And they inspire me daily with their wins. I love to see my people winning.
What got you into making music?
I’ve always been a writer. I wrote poetry then in high school I was listening to punk bands and learning guitar and it all kind of spiraled. I spent time in some bands and eventually went solo. It’s funny because now I’m in a band again a