What is your name?
I go by the name “Kw.Y.IT” (quiet)
Would you rather have?
50k in cash or a perfect credit score, and why?
50k in cash. I would be able to invest more freely than now, and “they” don’t like people with perfect credit. It’s always something to come along and ruin it.
Who is your favorite producer?
That’s a tough one. I can’t honestly say. I’m just into GREAT production period I don’t care who did it. If it’s done right it’s done right. Sometimes I don’t even care about an artist more than who produced the project.
Are you a touring artist or a recording artist?
As of now a recording artist
Have you ever thought about quitting music?
Favorite Era of music?
70/80/90’s there are too many great artist spread out to say just one.
Do you plan on traveling?
For now no plans.
Are you an independent artist or are you signed or under any management?
I am currently an independent artist
What was your most memorable concert, did you perform at it?
I haven’t performed at a concert yet
What was your biggest challenge that you had to overcome during your music career, so far?
Finding my audience. Especially in this time, it’s not easy to say you’re a “rapper” and you’ve got spreading love as an agenda. The two don’t mix in an audience. Hopefully they get to see how well love mixes with matters of the heart, even rap.