Frigidfreezeboi (Akron, Ohio)
Q.) What do you have going on that you’re most excited about?
A.) “Working with other producers and artist.”
Q.) What would you say you are least excited about?
A.) “Endless Hours of working.”
Q.) Is there anything specific about you or your work that you think we should know about?
A.) “Hard Working individual.”
Q.) What would you consider to be a lot of money?
A.) “10 million.”
Q.) Are you in it for the money?
A.) “Yes and No.”
Q.) Is there anything you’ve accomplished that you didn’t think you would be able to?
A.) “Not yet.”
Q.) What is the first song off your catalog that you would direct a potential new fan to listen to?
A.) “Runts‘
Q) How many songs have you released?
A) “Thirty plus…”
Q.) Tell us about some of your works not yet released, what’s going on in the vault?
A.) “A lot of experimenting.”
Q.) What do you think your role in the music community may end up being?
A.) “Beat Producer.”
Q.) What is a goal you have for between now and next year?
A.) “To earn a beat Placement on a major album.”
Q.) How do you respond when people talk about being an artist like it’s a far-fetched thing?
A.) “Anything is achievable.”
Q.) Who is the rapper you can first recall listening to?
A.) “2 Pac.”
Q.) What role would you say they had in the music industry?
A) “Being a realist.”
Q.) Do you listen to them still?
A.) “Yes.”
Stream And Follow Frigidfreezeboi Below:

Instagram: Frigidfreezeboi_
Twitter: › frigidfre…Frigidfreezybeatz (@FrigidFreezy) / Twitter