Tyson Tomas ;Tuscaloosa, Alabama .
Q.) What is your name/stage name?
A.) “Tyson Tomas “
Q.) Where are you located?
A.) “Tuscaloosa, Alabama.“
Q.) What is the meaning behind your name?
A.) “It’s basically who I want to be.“
Q.) What are your roles within the music industry?
A.) “I’m a rapper and music producer.“
Q.) What got you into music?
A.) “I’ve always been into music since I was a preteen trying to freestyle. It’s just been a part of me.“
Q.) What type of music do you make?
A.) “I make rap, hip-hop, and some EDM.“
Q.) How long have you been making music?
A.) “Since I was 12 years old.“
Q.) What are you making music for?
A.) “Me, my family, and the people who love it.“
Q.) What’s driving you?
A.) “What drives me is to be successful in my craft. I want to make music to move people and help them relax after a hard time.“
Q.) Who are your biggest supporters?
A.) “My family is my biggest supporters, like my grandmother.“
Q.) Are you signed to a label?
A.) “Currently, no.“
Q.) Do you want a record deal, a distribution deal, or none?
A.) “I would love a record deal! That’s a dream of mine.“
Q.) Who are some features that you have?
A.) “I have done some features with another artist Cortez McKinnon.“
Q.) What was it like working with them?
A.) “It was pretty good; we had a lot of the same energy, and we meshed well.“
Q.) Who are some features you want to get?
A.) “I would love to rap with Isaiah Rashad or Mick Jenkins. Maybe even Kendrick or Cole.“
Q.) Who’s one person dead or alive that you’d want to work with?
A.) “That’s tough, but it would be Eminem.“
Q.) is there anybody else you want to shout out for any reason?
A.) “I want to shout out everybody I love and support me. The fans of mine and my family.“
Q.) What are you currently working on?
A.) “My Album “Okami” is my focus right now.“
Q.) What is your latest release?
A.) “My latest release is “Tranquilizer “.”
Q.) When is your next release?
A.) “My next release is “Slow Up ft. Slim Kae“.“
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