Recently we had the pleasure to interview one of the hottest Christian Clothing Brands on the market, “CHANGE”, Owned by Landon Bowen. This new clothing brand has hit the ground running and has been seen on WHATUPRG of Reach Records, TikTok Hip-Hop Sensation Scootie Top and Chart-Topping Artist DEON. Below is an exclusive interview with Landon about his brand.
- What is your Business or Businesses?
My brand is a streetwear/lifestyle brand called Change, aiming to give back to people in need while spreading the love of God to others.
- What made you start?
I wanted to start because I’ve always been interested in design, and trying to create things and I thought that starting a clothing brand would be a perfect way to work in both of those areas.
- What did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was younger, I always wanted to be a professional football player.
- Did you think you’d be owning a business someday?
When I was younger, I never thought that I would have the ability to have my own business, but with the help of God and very supportive parents, I have been able to turn my dream into a reality.
- What is the most exciting thing that has happened while in business?
Having the opportunity this past summer to travel to Atlanta, Georgia and sponsor a music festival that included some of my favorite artists, while also getting the chance to talk and network with them as well.
- What would you tell your younger self?
I would tell myself that failure is the best way to learn, and to not be afraid to try something different, because sometimes it can open doors to many opportunities that otherwise would not have been possible without taking a risk.
- What are your long term business goals?
My long term goal is to build a clothing brand that is primarily known for making a big impact in the lives of people in need while spreading God’s love to those who may not have already experienced it before.
- What potential businesses are you thinking about starting?
For right now, I plan to stick with just my clothing brand for now, and see how it goes, and possibly expand it into other areas in the future.
- Who’s the biggest inspiration in your life?
As of right now, I don’t have one specific person who inspires me, but I do pull from a lot of different brands and companies that make art and brand themselves using different methods that aren’t necessarily common for their space.
- If you’ve ever felt like quitting, what kept you going?
When I’ve felt like quitting, I have to remind myself of the reason I’m doing it for, and that God will use the brand to reach who it needs to.
- What were some obstacles you’ve had to overcome?
Trying to work on everything that includes starting a brand, such as the design process, as well as putting a website together and making sure that it all runs smoothly and looks visually appealing, which is something that I am not used to and was a big learning curve.
- What would you say to someone wanting to start a business?
Do not be afraid to try different things until you find what works, whether that be a style of content you post, or a product that you put out because you never know what would interest consumers.
- Where can someone find your information?